J pod in Haro Strait, spread in loose family groups across the border and traveling North. It was our first time seeing J28 Polaris with her new calf, J54, born December 2015. Cute to see L87 traveling with the young male J47. We’d just launched our ‘Bullfrog’ tender and she skipped like a stone through sunshine, hailstorm squall and a rainbow.

Brants Geese

J47 Notch in Haro Strait

L87 Onyx in Haro Strait

J28 Polaris with new calf, J54, born December 2015

J28 Polaris with new calf, J54, born December 2015

J46 Star in Haro Strait

J28 Polaris in Haro Strait

Capt David Howitt

Capt Barbara Bender

Haro Strait after hail storm

Rainbow over Posey Island

Male Hooded Merganser

Female Hooded Merganser and Female Bufflehead
Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel, Roche Harbor, Washington