Morning sail and we lucked out with a minke whale in Minke Pond, North of San Juan Island. Newborn harbor seals, eagle activity, and we’re ecstatic to find, for the first time, an elephant seal just north of Friday Harbor. Summer has arrived after a month we’ve called June-uary.

Minke Whale feeding between Flattop, Jones, and Spieden Island

Minke Whale surfacing between Flattop, Jones, and Spieden Island

Minke Whale surfacing between Flattop, Jones, and Spieden Island

Harbor Seals hauled out

Harbor seal with her new pup

Pigeon Guillemot

Mouflon Sheep

Newborn Harbor Seal Pup

Bald Eagle Landing

Bald Eagles

Bald Eagle Calling

Immature Bald Eagle

Glacial erratic with Mouflon Sheep

Harbor Seals

Harbor Seal