Some days we sail a long way in search of the whale. Tumbo Island north of East Point, Saturna, Canada returning by way of Monarch Head and Java Rocks. Beautiful scenery. Quite something to be the only boat for miles around in paradise on Aug 1st. Contact us to join us or to purchase photos.

Bald Eagle flies over

Sailing North

South side of Flattop Island

Harbor Seal haul out

Flattop Island

Flattop Island

Harbor Seal pup

Harbor Seals Skipjack Island

East Point Fog Alarm Building. This building is now a museum and houses the skull of Moby Doll and the story of how the first captive whale was harpooned and towed from this site by Vancouver Aquarium.

Monarch Head

Great Blue Heron at Monarch Head

Saturna Island

Sailing passed Saturna Island

Bald Eagle

Cactus Island

Harbor seal mum and pup in sunset light

Sunset sail San Juan Channel

Sunset San Juan Channel