May 7, 2017 – All of J Pod and L87 are back after over a month’s absence. After much deliberation at Pender Bluffs, a decision was made to take Boundary Pass and we were lucky enough to meet a long line of whales at Blunden Island near sunset. We had a delicious supper before heading back to Friday Harbor. The sun went down while we were enjoying tea and hot chocolate.

Bald Eagle

Black Oyster Catchers

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Black Oyster Catcher fly by

Bald Eagle

Flattop Island

Wildflowers on Flattop Island

Southern Resident killer whale J17 approaches

J16 Slick exhale

J16 with daughter J36 surfacing

J36 with mom, J16, with Saturna Island in the background

Family Fun whale watching in the San Juan Islands

We believe this is J31

J47 Notch, born in 2010

J47 with mom, J35

Inverted tail lob

J35 playing around with her son J47

Orca headed to Saturna Island

Sunset whales

Backlit blow

Whale watching sailing

J19 Shachi

Southern Resident Orca J35 doing a tail lob

J Pod headed toward Java Rocks with Mt Baker distant

Orcas and Mt Baker

On their way towards Java Rocks

L87 Onyx

Flattop Island glowing in the sunset

Sunset looking back toward Tip Top Mountain, Stuart Island. Salt Spring Island distant