May 18, 2017 – We ran up north into Canada to see 2 humpback whales eastbound from Java Rocks. Drift sailing downwind on a whisper of a wind with the sound of the whales’ deep blows. Peregrine falcon calling from the honeycomb caves at Monarch Head. Incredible scenery.

Harbor seals at Java Rocks

Flowering Madrone tree

Interesting geology of Saturna Island

Bald Eagle

Humpback whales: BCX1057 ‘Divot’ and BCZ0298 ‘Split Fin’

Fluke of BCZ0298 ‘Split Fin’

Monarch Head and a Peregrine falcon somewhere on the cliff calling

Humpback Whale BCX1057 ‘Divot’

Cliffs on Saturna Island

Humpbacks slowly traveling toward East Point

Sailing whale watching

BCZ0298 ‘Split Fin’ and BCX1057 ‘Divot’

Split Fin going on a deep dive

Double the blow holes

Humpback whales – Saturna Island in the background

Interesting cliff face on Saturna Island

Harbor seals on White Rock

Bald Eagle on White Rock

Bald eagle taking flight

Sleepy harbor seals

A beautiful view

Going for a ride in our Bullfrog Tender

Ride in our Bullfrog Tender