6/2/17 – Sailing the extra nautical mile we met Transient Orcas, T65A’s, within sight of Vancouver. As we approached two humpback whales breached about a mile ahead of the orcas. Returned by way of East Point and found 2 Peregrine Falcons. Evening light by Flattop began painting the picture of sunset.

Turtle Back Mountain, Orcas Island

Presidents Channel, Orcas island

Presidents Channel, Orcas island

bald eagle standing guard over its nest

Juvenile bald eagle

Tall dead spire with Bald Eagle

Alden Point Lighthouse, Patos Island

Sailing into the Straits of Georgia

T65A’s off in the distance

Distant humpback whale breaching. There were two humpbacks there near Pt Roberts.

T65A’s Transient Orcas

T65A2 was off by himself

Black oyster catchers

Harbor porpoise

Monarch Head, Saturna Island

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Forest reflections, Saturna Island

Harbor seals resting on Java Rocks. Flattop Island in the distance

Bald eagle, harbor seals, and Pt Disney

Island reflections, Flattop Island

A gang of seals

Sunset over Sentinel

The sunset over Yellow Island

The sunset over Yellow Island

High Cirrus clouds at sunset in San Juan Channel

Sunset reflections San Juan Channel