June 19, 2017- South on the ebb. Mountains, glassy seas, harbor porpoise everywhere, harbor seals even in the middle of nowhere, birthday BBQ, minke whale, a distant humpback whale, steller sea lions and eagles. Beautiful trip.

Harbor seals and Olympic Mountains

Whale Rocks full of steller sea lions, harbor seals, and a bald eagle

Mt Baker

Minke whale near McArthur Bank

Minke Whale with scars on back and dorsal fin from an injury last year

Birthday celebration – grillin’ while sailin’

Sea Lion and Mt Rainer (approx 130 miles distant)

Layers near Lopez Island

Harbor seal in the kelp at sunset

Cormorant and Olympic Mountains

Sailing near Long Island

Long Island reflections

Bald Eagle chicks

Eagle and Sea Lions at sunset

Harbor seals at sunset

Black Oyster Catcher

Harbor seals getting ready for bed

Sleepy harbor seals

Sunset sailing

Happy Birthday!

Reflections near Turn Island

Mt Baker looking pink in the sunset

Sailing back to Friday Harbor