July 2, 2017 – Today was an adventurous sail around Lopez Island. Beam reach from Upright Head to the west side of Blakely Island and glad we reefed the main sail before we entered Rosario Strait – reef early. Winds picked up as we sailed with transient orcas T65As and T75Bs. The orcas powerfully exploded through the waves exposing their chins. Peaceful dinner in McCardle Bay before venturing into wild and crazy seas. Heeled on a fast beam reach all the way back to Turn Island. Just another stunningly beautiful day on the water.

Harbor Seals and Canada Geese Turn Island Pass near Friday Harbor

Harbor seals and Hurricane Ridge over Griffin Bay

Bald Eagle with chick in nest

Sailing towards Blakely Island

Eagle Nest – Blakely Island

Mount Rainier – 125 miles away. with whales from the T65As and 75Bs

Whales from T65As and 75Bs south of Anacortes

T65As and 75Bs powering through the waves

T65As and 75Bs powering through the waves

T65A2 powering through the waves

Harbor seal watching the whales go by

Harbor Seals – Bird Rocks

Whales from T65As and 75Bs with Mount Baker

Whales from T65As and 75Bs with Mount Baker

Whales from T65As and 75Bs with Deception Pass Bridge

T65As and 75Bs stop for lunch

Rocks extending off Swirl Island

Castle Rock and Blind Island south of Lopez Island

Eagle Nest – Lopez Island

Bald Eagle

Vulture and Moon

Sailing in big seas

Harbor seals and brisk wind

Black Oyster Catcher – Long Island

Reefed mainsail with close stacked seas and brisk winds add excitement to entering Cattle pass

Gulls seem to enjoy the brisk wind off Cattle Point Lighthouse

Mt Baker