July 27, 2017 – Great teamwork sailing in gusty winds. Gorgeous scenery as we circumnavigated Orcas Island. It certainly was an adventure.

Bull Kelp Forest – Turn Rock

Sailing in the San Juans

Sailing to Upright Head, Lopez Island

Bald Eagle Chick

Harbor Seals – Peapod Rocks

Harbor Seals – Peapod Rocks

Immature Bald Eagle flying toward us

Lawrence Point, Orcas Island

Harbor seals – Little Sister Island

Bald Eagles – Little Sister Island

Bald Eagle Chick

Bald eagle in flight

Bald eagle coming in for a landing

Bald eagle – Little Sister Island

Goats on Barnes Island with Mt Baker

Harbor Seals and Interesting Geology

Fun Beach on Matia Island

Sucia Island with the fingers

Wishbone Rig

Sailing down President’s Channel

Barbara’s Dream House – the wizard’s castle on Orcas Island

Bald eagle at sunset

Mt Baker

WA State Ferry headed to Friday Harbor at sunset