July 30, 2017 – Cut the lines and sailed north to explore some of our favorite National Wildlife Refuges and wildlife hang outs. So many bald eagles in New Channel including an eagle perched on an Aspen tree on Ripple Island – said to be some of the oldest trees around. Bull kelp forests are growing all around the Cactus Islands. Harbor seals and their new pups calling to one another. Another day in paradise.

Bald eagle

Mouflon sheep reaching for leaves

Elephant Rock

Bald eagle

Bald eagle

Harbor seal with silly grin

Harbor seals crammed onto one rock

Bull Kelp

Bull Kelp

Harbor seals

Bald eagle sitting on Aspen tree on Ripple Island

Harbor seals on Ripple Island

Harbor seals – Ripple Island

Where’s Waldo

Sailing towards Flattop Island

Harbor seal with strange pelage – one that we’ve seen here before

Bald eagle and nest

Harbor seals on Flattop Island

Pigeon Guillemot near Flattop Island

Bald eagle swooping to catch a fish but missed it

Beautiful Flattop Island

Phacellophora camtschatica, known as the fried egg jellyfish or the egg-yolk jellyfish

Harbor seal with pup

Bald eagle

Bald eagle