August 4, 2017 – A great trip south on the ebb sailing by some of our favorite places… Whale Rocks had a very small steller sea lion pup hauled out which is not common for us to see as we normally only see male steller sea lions. There are also two smaller ones who look to be females amongst many very large bulls. Capt David tried his luck with a kelp horn made from bull kelp in order to call the whales to us – what do you know it worked. A minke whale joined us in our sail back to Cattle Pass.

Harbor seals resting on Shark Reef

Harbor seals hauled out on the rocks

Immature bald eagle

Bald eagle on Deadmans Island

Cattle Point Lighthouse

Purple sea star in the low tide

Bald eagle chick

Harbor seals

Steller sea lions, gulls, and cormorants on Whale Rocks

Harbor seal surfing in the waves

Steller sea lion pup on Whale Rocks

Cormorant colony

Heermann’s Gull

Harbor seal in the bull kelp forest

Seal Pup

Bald eagle nest

Bull kelp with island reflections

Canada Geese flying south

Great blue heron

Gulls resting in the breeze

Cormorant nesting colony

David blowing kelp horn to call the whales

Common Murres

Rhinoceros auklet

The kelp horn worked! A Minke whale popped up

Minke Whale near Salmon Bank

Minke Whale

Rhinoceros Auklets