September 5 2017. Sailed North through a very strange orange haze with the atmosphere for many miles being heavily affected by forest fires. We sailed alongside the racing wooden sailboat regatta of the Deer Harbor
Wooden Boat Show. Presidents Channel, Point Disney, White Rock, Flattop Island, Cactus Islands, New Channel – all so strange and the wildlife looks bewildered in this strange hazy light on what should be a summers day

Harbor Porpoise surface in haze of forest fires

Harbor Seals hauled out on Yellow island. Haze in air from Forest fires

Wooden Sailboat Race from Deer Harbor, Orcas Island. Haze in air from forest fires

Bald Eagle in Madrone

Harbor Seal near shore. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Bald Eagle nest in old growth Douglas Fir. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Presidents Channel Shoreline, Orcas Island. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Bald Eagle, Presidents Channel forested shoreline, Orcas Island. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Bald Eagle in flight, Presidents Channel forested shoreline, Orcas Island. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Point Disney, Waldron Island. Haze in air from Forest Fires

White Rock. Haze in air from Forest Fires

White Rock. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Flattop Island National Wildlife Refuge. Haze in air from Forest Fires

Harbor Seal in Bull Kelp

Bald Eagle in Flight with Forest scape. Haze in air from Forest Fire
Sun shines through haze of forest fires.