All Aboard Sailing

San Juan Island sunset moonrise sail

May 17, 2019 –  Today we picked up our passengers from Deer Harbor, Orcas Island, and set sail through the inter-islands. We found several bald eagles scattered about with their white heads reminding us of golf balls in the trees.  With the sails sheeted in tightly we had a really nice sail down Harney Channel and towards Obstruction Island.

Popping out of Peavine Pass in Rosario Strait revealed glassy seas and a large group of harbor porpoise swimming back and forth feeding. Little exhalation puffs could be heard all around us.

Our passengers took the helm as we set a course to Nob Island. The sun was going down and the skies changed to hot pink to the west and the full moon rise was happening to the east.

Route Map 5/17/19

Close hauled sail down Harney Channel between Orcas and Shaw islands

Bald Eagle identify

Bald eagle

Harbor Porpoise in evening light

Ovoid sunset Reflections on Salish Sea

Harbor Porpoise with sunset reflections

Harbor Porpoise with sunset reflections

Passengers at the helm

Sunset sail in the San Juan Islands

Sunset sail in the San Juan Islands

Sunset – Moonrise sail in the San Juan Islands

Canada Goose at Twilight

Full Moon rising

Moon rise sailing