All Aboard Sailing

A brisk mid day sail

July 2, 2020 – North on the flood with wing on wing sailing the coastline and then a beam reach to Shirt Tail Reef. Harbor seals were hauled out on the rocks which show at low tide and we sailed through the narrow pass of Nob Island. Drifting awhile in the lee of the island listening to black oystercatcher calls before catching the breeze to sailing the North side of Yellow Island.
Tacked to sail to Jones Island and took Spring Pass. Hearing of K pod on the West side of San Juan Island we took a North Westerly course in case they came North fast on the flood. We sailed alongside White Rock where we noticed both double crested and pelagic cormorants were nested. We pointed into wind for a fast close hauled sail to Flattop Island.
In the lee of Flattop we reefed the main and drifted listening to eagle calls and pigeon guillemot high pitched whistles.We saw a familiar harbor seal that we nicknamed “Big Red” whom we’ve seen at Cactus Islands last year. New pups were nursing. Choppy current and building winds made for an exciting close hauled sail as we tacked South. An Oak tree glistened in a moment of sunshine on the West side of Jones. Harelequin ducks were well camouflaged on Low island. Barbara noticed the black oystercatcher chick – relieved to see the chick had survived an incident with a Peregrine falcon a few days ago. Three bald eagles watched us return to Friday Harbor.

Harbor seals hauled out on the rocks by Shirt Tail Reef

Little McConnell Island and Orcas Island

Harbor Seals and Pacific Madrone Tree – Jones Island

Double Crested and Pelagic Cormorants on White Rock

Harbor seals on White Rock

Fast sail to Flattop Island

Flattop Island

Pigeon Guillemots on Flattop Island

Harbor seals on Flattop Island

Bald eagle

Harbor seals on Flattop Island

One of our recognizable seals “Big Red”

Harbor seal with pup

Enjoying the ride

Looking west towards Sentinel Island

Gary Oak tree on Jones Island

Harlequin ducks on Low Island

Black oystercatcher with chick on Low Island

Black oystercatcher with chick on Low Island

Bald eagle near Pt Caution

Route map 7-2-20