All Aboard Sailing

Short evening sail

July 21, 2020 – We had an earlier sail today and the winds were really blowing causing us to reef the sails. However, when we cast off for our evening sail the winds had calmed down substantially so we decided to go with a full main sail and full head sail. Sailing wing on wing along the San Juan Island coastline up to Pt Caution before changing course towards the Wasp Islands passing a few harbor porpoise along the way.

Harbor seals were hauled out on Low Island warming up in the sunshine and the islands were warming up with the golden sunlight. Bird song could be heard as we were passing McConnell Island and bald eagle calls rang from various directions during our sail. A bald eagle watched us sail by from his perch on the Shirt Tail Reef marker and another on the tree top at Pt George on Shaw Island. Our blind passenger took the helm for a short while sailing by feel and did an excellent job. Then we had a fast sail across San Juan Channel back towards Friday Harbor.

Sailing wing on wing

Harbor porpoise

Harbor seals on Low Island

Harbor seals on Low Island with Ferry

Little McConnell Island

McConnell Island

Little McConnell Island and Yellow Island

Yellow Island

Bald eagle on Shirt Tail Reef

Bald eagle on Shirt Tail Reef Marker

Looking west

Pt George, Shaw Island

Bald eagle on Shaw Island

Bald eagle on Shaw Island

Sailing across towards Friday Harbor

Mt Baker

Sea planes with WA State Ferry

Sea plane with Mt Baker

Route Map 7-21-20