All Aboard Sailing

Biggs Orcas T123’s check out Friday Harbor

May 21, 2021 –  The T123’s Biggs orcas, who we’d seen on our morning sail, were now reported as Southbound at Jones Island. We sailed North and met them as they rounded Yellow Island, also watched by a bald eagle on the reef. They continued South at speed on the ebb and crossed to Turn Island. They hunted harbor seals for quite some time again watched by a bald eagle on Turn Rock channel marker. They then changed course to head North and came in the South entrance of Friday Harbor. They travelled inside Brown Island surfacing next to the breakwater in front of a crowd before heading out the North entrance. There was a brief and energetic charge pitching a steller sea lion into the air near Point Caution. The sea lion escaped and was seen close to shore while the T123’s continued their travels North into the sunset.

T123’s and bald eagle on Yellow Island

T123’s passing Yellow Island

T123’s passing Yellow Island

Friday Harbor

T123A with youngest sibling T123D

T123’s with Olympic Mountains

T123’s hunting south of Turn Island

T123’s hunting south of Turn Island

Hmm, orcas hunting seals and this boat shouldn’t be that close!

Hmm, orcas hunting seals and this boat shouldn’t be that close!

Pretty scene by Turn Island

Orca spy hop

T123A with backlit blow

T123’s with backlit blows

T123A with orca doing headstand

T123A with backlit blow

T123A with backlit blow traveling along Turn Island

T123A tail slap

Bald eagle on Turn Rock

Orca whacking a steller sea lion near Pt Caution

Orca whacking a steller sea lion near Pt Caution

Steller sea lion swimming close to shore

T123’s heading north in San Juan Channel

T123’s heading north into the sunset

T123’s heading north into the sunset

T123’s heading north into the sunset

Sunset sail

Sunset sail

Sunset over San Juan Island


Pastel colors on the water

Route map 5-21-21