All Aboard Sailing

Minke whale by Turn Island

September 30, 2022 – A mystical, foggy morning set the scene as we left the dock. We took the pass behind Turn Island and found a minke whale on the other side. This minke whale had been hanging out by Turn Rock and Griffin Bay for a few weeks now. We had some fantastic views of her before heading south to check out the sea lions on Whale Rocks while enjoying a picnic lunch. On the way back we spotted harbor seals snoozing by Deadman Island as well as black oystercatchers and black turnstones. Again we found the minke whale near Pear Pt traveling back and forth.

Ferry coming into Friday Harbor in the fog

Sailing out into the fog

Ribbons of fog over the islands

Fog settling in between the islands

Fog around Turn Island

Fog around Turn Island

Miss Skye hanging out on the bean bags

Fog lifting around Turn Island

Bald eagle fly by

Sailing around Turn Island

Harbor seals on the rocks

WA State Ferry in the fog

WA State Ferry in the fog

Minke whale surfacing

Minke whale surfacing

Minke whale surfacing

Minke whale surfacing

Minke whale surfacing

Minke whale with high arch before deep dive

Minke whale with faint exhale

Minke whale milling in San Juan Channel

Minke whale headed our way

Minke whale headed our way

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lion on Whale Rocks

Harbor seal in the bull kelp

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Black oystercatcher

Harbor seal on a rock

Harbor seals hauled out with Cattle Pt Lighthouse in distance

Mt Baker

Minke whale near Turn Island

Minke whale near Turn Island

Minke whale near Turn Island

Minke whale near Turn Island

Minke whale

Minke whale

Route map 9-30-22