Easter sails with whales! We met the J17’s and J22’s families at the Orcas Ferry Landing. Dawdling west through Harney Channel they eventually but deliberately took the narrow Pole Pass. Black skies covered the sun and strong winds came from nowhere with a surprising squall of heavy rain as we sailed for shelter in the lee of Jones island. Breaches and spy hops in the changing light of Spring Pass and then slow progress against flood tide under rainbows in Spieden Channel.

Meeting J17 and 22 family of Orca whales in Harney Passage, Orcas Island shoreline

Orcas pass Orcas Hotel, Orcas Island Ferry Landing

Southern Resident Killer whales J28 Polaris with calf, J54

Entering Pole Pass between Orcas and Crane Islands

Sunshine before the squall and water turns turquoise

Rounding Reef Island

J17s and J22s Orca whales group together to head North

J17s and J22s Killer whales grouped together as the squall hits

Captain David heeled over at the Helm as winds suddenly pick up with driving rain

Orca Whales travel through heavy rain

Syphop as the storm passes

J34 DoubleStuf Breach just north of Jones Island

Southern Resident Orcas J28 Polaris with J54

Clouds clearing, whales approach Speiden Island


Southern Resident Orca J34 DoubleStuf tail lob

Orca whales Speiden Channel west

Orca whales approaching Battleship Rock

Along the shoreline of Speiden island

Some Whales under the rainbow

J38 Cookie in Spieden Channel

Sunsets over Rocky Bay San Juan Island
