March 4, 2017 – Our trips have begun. Chilly with moderate winds necessitated cups of hot chocolate. Sunshine through the Wasp Islands encouraged us to push on and see J Pod arriving at Kellett Bluff. One of the highlights of our sail were the Dalls porpoise playing all around us for quite some time as the orcas approached.

Mouflon Sheep on Spieden Island

Bald eagle on Gary Oak tree

Common Merganser fly by

Harbor Seals hauled out on Speiden Island

Steller Sea Lion looking for lunch

Bald Eagle in Pacific Madrona tree

Dalls Porpoise playing beside us

Dalls Porpoise playing next to us

Dalls Porpoise playing beside us on the bow wave

Dalls Porpoise playing beside us on the bow wave

Dalls Porpoise riding our bow wave

Southern Resident orca J19 Shachi approaches

Southern Resident J19 Shachi

Southern Resident orcas J37 Hy’Shqa with J22 Oreo

Southern Resident orcas J16 Slick with J19 Shachi

J19 along Kellett Bluff

J19 Shachi along Kellett Bluff