So glad we didn’t cancel for rain! If you don’t like the weather in the San Juans, just wait 5 minutes. It was an awesome sail. Wing on wing downwind thru our favorite islands and on through Spring Pass like a race car with the flood till we rounded Flattop. Reducing sail in the lee of the gorgeous geology we briskly beat a close hauled tack to Green Point and the party with the stellers. Such a wonderful spring day sailing. 66 sea lions on the rocks, 50+ in the water (as a guess).

Pointing out the sights

Harbor seal faces

In the lee of Flattop Island

One of ten bald eagles that we saw today

Spring colours – Many islands’ wildflowers were hit hard by the wind, but the lee of Flattop is looking good.

Flattop Island wildflowers

Flattop Island fawn lilies

Harlequin ducks

Majestic sight

mosses and lichens and wildflowers – thousands of years old

A goose

Duck, duck, goose

Rain in New Channel

Lets go southwest

Making speed

Stellers at Green Pt

bachelor party

I’m watching you

Raft of steller sea lions

View towards Roche Harbor, Washington

66 sea lions hauled out, yesterday we saw 134 hauled out, more in the water today

Looking back in the rear view mirror

Family Fun – everyone took a chance at the helm