All Aboard Sailing

Incredible seas and wind for sailing

June 23, 2019 – Wild and crazy seas at times and great winds for sailing. After a fast sail across to Lopez we found shelter to reef the main sail as winds were stronger than expected.

Exiting Cattle Pass in exciting seas in strong tidal current we found incredible standing waves and white caps offshore of Whale Rocks. Sailboats one by one continued on passed us into the building seas bouncing up and down while we stayed inshore to explore the islands and wildlife refuges. Many Sea lions appeared to be staying dry high on the rocks and bald eagles scared off the birds nesting on Hall Island.

Everyone did an excellent job at the helm as we ventured back in through Cattle Pass and into calmer water up San Juan Channel. We’re glad we were the lucky ones picked to cross ‘sailing’ off the bucket list 🙂

Harbor seals

Sailing across to Lopez

Harbor seals on Shark Reef

Cattle Point Lighthouse

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Sailboat braving the seas

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks and wild seas

Sailboat braving the seas

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Bald eagle nest on Long Island

Bald eagle


Bald eagle bothering the birds on Hall Island

Black Oystercatcher

Route Map 6/23/19