All Aboard Sailing

Humpback whale MMZ0030, minke whales and leaping salmon

August 13, 2019 – It was an incredible day with so much wildlife. Bald eagles, a bald eagle chick, great blue herons, harbor seals, harbor porpoise, minke whales, humpback whales and many types of birds.

The humpback whale was identified as MMZ0030. Its one we’ve never seen before. We captured a photo of another distant humpback which looks to be MMY0022.

We identified the minke whale we’ve seen as a regular on Salmon Bank. It has a nick on the leading edge of its dorsal fin. Our nickname for this whale is “Minke Mouse”. Its always nice to encounter him/her.

Route Map 8-13-19

Bald eagle chick

Young deer peeking at us

Turn Island

Harbor seals near Turn Island

Harbor seals near Harbor Rock

Gulls with chicks on Goose Island

Nesting cormorants on Goose Island

Brandts Cormorants

Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Drifting in paradise

Rhinoceros auklets and one common murre

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Rhinoceros auklet with fish

Humpback whale MMZ0030

Humpback whale MMZ0030

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes

Humpback whale deep dive

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes – ID Photo

Humpback whale MMZ0030 tail flukes – little hole goes straight through

Humpback whale MMZ0030

Humpback whale MMZ0030 with San Juan Island behind him/her

Leaping Salmon – pink(?)

Minke whale – our friend “Minke Mouse”

Rhinoceros auklet with fish

Leaping Salmon

Leaping schools of salmon

Leaping Salmon

Leaping Salmon

Leaping pink (?) salmon

Minke whale

Minke whale – our friend “Minke Mouse”

Minke whale and Olympic Mountains

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions and life on Whale Rocks

Black oystercatchers getting ready to roost for the night

Cattle Pt Lighthouse in the sunset

Harbor seal sleeping

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seal nursing and Cattle Pt Light

Great blue heron

Great blue heron

Harbor seals in the sunset on Shark Reef

Sunset over Griffin Bay

Sunset sail

Sunset sail

Sunset sail

Almost full moon rise

Moon rise