April 21, 2021 – Leaving Friday Harbor we paused in deciding north or south by sailing to Shaw Island. As we arrived at Pt George we heard that the T90’s and T49A3 were at Green Pt where we left them yesterday. So we set a course to the north keeping out of the ebb by sailing in between the Wasp Islands. Yellow Island was blooming with color. The orcas cut through Roche Harbor into Mosquito Pass. We rode the ebb tide down Spieden Channel and the outside of Henry Island. There was a Peregrine falcon perched on a Douglas fir at Kellett Bluff. We continued on the ebb and met the orcas nearing Lime Kiln Point State Park.
The orcas moved offshore and began a zig zag pattern as if hunting for harbor porpoise which took us close to the border. At the shoals north of Middle Bank a hunt began of a Steller sea lion who was close to a Canadian zodiac. As we watched and photographed the event we were taken by surprise when the sea lion poked his head up at our stern. He circled us and glommed onto the hull. He was very large and our passengers reported that he had bad teeth. We set sails to head for home via Cattle Pt and the sea lion remained under us while the orcas followed behind for the next five miles over an hour and a half of sailing at 3.5 knots.
A little over a mile from Eagle Cove the sea lion left the refuge of our boat and headed for shore. The orcas became aware he was awry about ten minutes later. The orcas traveled at speed and caught up with the sea lion resuming their hunt. The approximately 4 yr old calf, T90D, was first up charging the sea lion while the other orcas remained on the fringe blocking the escape including to our boat. Little by little others started joining in. The charges were powerful producing 10 foot waves of spray as the orcas were leaping all around knocking the 2,000 lb sea lion into the air. Thirty minutes later the action diminished and they appeared to be eating. A somber moment as we resumed our sail to Cattle Point.
At Whale Rocks the sea lions were hauled out in the setting sun and spotting a sea otter helped lift our spirits.

Mt Baker

Harbor seals hauled out

Yellow island wildflowers

Sailing close to shore

Bald eagle on Henry Island

Hugging Henry Island coastline

Peregrine falcon at Kellett Bluff

Bald eagles nest on Henry Island

T90’s and T49A2 travel south along San Juan Island

T90’s and T49A2 travel south along San Juan Island

T90B passes Lime Kiln Lighthouse

T90B swimming quickly

T90’s swimming quickly

T90’s swimming quickly

Orcas T90’s and T49A2 chasing a Stellers sea lion

Orcas T90’s and T49A2 chasing a Stellers sea lion

Orca high speed lunge

Orca leaping – Mt Baker behind

Orca leaping – Mt Baker behind

T90B with rainblow

Orca leaps after sea lion

Orcas T90’s and T49A2 hunting a Stellers sea lion

Orcas T90’s and T49A2 hunting a Stellers sea lion

Orca with Stellers sea lion

Orca leaping during hunt

Orca leaping during hunt

Orca leaping during hunt

Orca lunging after a sea lion

Orca lunging after a sea lion

Orca lunging after a sea lion

Sea lion swimming towards our boat

Sea lion taking refuge next to our boat

Sea lion taking refuge next to our boat

Sea lion taking refuge next to our boat

Orcas swimming patiently behind us

Orcas swimming patiently planning their next move

Orcas swimming patiently planning their next move

Sailing wing on wing

Orcas trailing us waiting for the sea lion to make a move

Orcas trailing us waiting for the sea lion to make a move

T90B in golden light

Orcas chasing after sea lion after he left the safety of our boat

Pretty sky over the orcas

T90’s and T49A2 engage in hunt again after the sea lion

Orca tail slap

Orca lunge

Orcas hunting the sea lion

High speed swimming

Orca tail slap

Lots of intense splashing

High speed swimming

Orca breaches next to sea lion

Orca breach making waves

Orcas circling

Orca T90B breaches next to sea lion

Orca T90B breaches next to sea lion

Orca T90B breaches next to sea lion

Orca lunging after sea lion

Orca lunging after sea lion

Orca ramming the sea lion

Orca ramming the sea lion

Orca ramming the sea lion one last time

Orcas eating in the sunset

Bald eagle on Cattle Pt Light

Bald eagle on Cattle Pt Light

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Bald eagle watching the sunset

Harbor seals at Whale Rocks

Sea otter

Harbor seals and sea otter at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Bald eagle with crows in dead tree

Black oystercatchers

Juvenile bald eagle

Eagles along shoreline of Lopez

Sailing by Turn Island

Sailing by Turn Island in sunset light

Sunset over San Juan Island

Sunset over San Juan Island

Sunset over San Juan Island

Sunset in Friday Harbor

Route map 4-21-21