April 24, 2022 – Today we had such a fun pre-birthday celebration for David with great company, yummy treats and a fantastic cake complete with decorations and birthday hats! We planned an adventure to Yellow Island Nature Preserve to see all the wildflowers in bloom.

Mt Baker seen from Friday Harbor

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Chocolate lilies

Photographing the flowers

David and Skye

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Exploring Yellow Island

David, Skye and the “Peniel”

Skye smelling the flowers

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

The trail through the flowers on Yellow Island

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Blue camas

Harsh paintbrush

Skye walking the trail through the flowers

The trail through the flowers on Yellow Island

Wildflowers on Yellow Island

Bee on Indian Parsley

Death camas

Skye having a zen moment on Yellow Island