All Aboard Sailing

Minke encounter and Southern Resident Orcas from the L12’s

August 8, 2022 – We sailed south and spotted many harbor seals, some bald eagles and saw many cormorants and gulls nesting on Goose Island. As we arrived at Salmon Bank we had some nice views of a minke whale. We headed up island offshore of the west side of San Juan Island and got some distant views of the members of the L11 matriline.  L85 was busy foraging off Eagle Pt. In the distance we saw the L94’s who traveled offshore and south. The L77’s were busy porpoising as if they were chasing something. Perhaps engaged in play ? Chasing salmon? Chasing harbor porpoise? Despite distant views we all enjoyed sailing and drifting listening to the exhales of the orcas as they surfaced in glassy seas with mountain backdrops. We returned via Salmon Bank where multiple minke whales were engaged in lunge feeding. After that epic minke encounter we went to see the Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks and the harbor seals by Deadman Island.

Sailing by Turn Island

Sailing by Turn Island

Harbor seals hauled out south of Turn Island

Harbor seals hauled out south of Turn Island

Bald eagle fly by

Speckled seal watching us

Harbor seals on Goose Island

Cormorants on Goose Island

Tip of Goose Island and Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Surf scoters

Harbor porpoise

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale swimming toward us

Minke whale swimming toward us

View of minke whale underwater

View of minke whale underwater

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank with Olympic Mountains

Southern Resident L85

Southern Resident L85

Southern Residents L94’s (?)

Southern Residents L94’s (?)

Cattle Pt with Mt Baker

Southern Resident L85

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s porpoising/chasing

Southern Residents L77’s with Olympic Mountains


Southern Resident orca with Olympic Mountains

Southern Resident orcas with Olympic Mountains

Lunging minke whale on Salmon Bank

Lunging minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Rhinoceros auklet with fish in bill

Lunging feeding minke whale on Salmon Bank

Lunging feeding minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale surfacing on Salmon Bank

Minke whale surfacing on Salmon Bank

Minke whale surfacing near our sailboat

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Cormorants on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Nursing Steller sea lion pup on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Bald eagle on top of Deadman Island

Harbor seals on Deadman Island

Route map 8-8-22