August 22, 2022 – South to Salmon Bank where we found multiple minke whales including one with the nickname “Trotsky II”. Other wildlife spotted included harbor seals, cormorants, gulls with chicks, rhinoceros auklets, common murres, harbor porpoise, and Steller sea lions.

Sailing around Turn Island

Sailing around Turn Island; Mt Baker in distance

Harbor seals by Pear Pt

Harbor seals by Pear Pt

Harbor seals on Goose Island

Cormorants on Goose Island

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank with Olympic Mountains

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Active bait ball

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale surfacing sequence

Minke whale known as “Trotsky II”

Minke whale known as “Trotsky II”

Minke whale known as “Trotsky II” (see injuries on back)

Harbor seal swimming by watching us

Rhinoceros auklet with fish in bill

Minke whale feeding on Salmon Bank

Minke whale

Minke whale known as “Trotsky II”

Minke whale known as “Trotsky II”

Minke whale feeding on Salmon Bank

Minke whale lunge feeding on Salmon Bank

Minke whale feeding on Salmon Bank

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Olympic Mountains

Steller sea lion with cormorants on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Olympic Mountains

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks with Olympic Mountains

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Cattle Pt Lighthouse, San Juan Island

Route map 8-22-22