All Aboard Sailing

Sail around Flattop & Skipjack Island

May 14, 2023 – A beautiful Mother’s Day – our hottest day of the year so far at 75 degrees. We had a fantastic sail up to and around the Wasp Islands and continued up to Flattop Island. There were noticeably more pigeon guillemots near the island and the bald eagle was hanging out in his/her nest.

As we scanned Boundary Pass we made our way to Skipjack Island spotting many harbor porpoise and Pacific loons, and one common murre (the first one we’ve spotted this year). A large group of harbor seals were taking a swim near Skipjack Island while another snoozed on the shoreline of Bare Island.

Hugged the coastline of Waldron Island before sailing across President Channel into Lovers Cove on Orcas Island. We made our way down the north coast admiring the steep forested hillside before coming south in Spring Pass and back to Friday Harbor.

Bald eagle near Friday Harbor

Sailing towards Nob Island

Nob Island in the distance

Pretty sailboat

Island beach

Bald eagle in nest on Flattop Island

Flattop Island

Wildflowers on Flattop Island

South side of Skipjack Island with Mt Baker

North side of Skipjack Island with Mt Baker

Harbor seals on Skipjack Island

Harbor seals at Skipjack Island

Harbor seal on Skipjack Island

Mt Baker over Bare Island

Harbor seal on Bare Island

South side of Waldron Island

Sailing across President Channel to Orcas Island

Sailing along the north coast of Orcas Island

Bald eagle on Orcas Island

View of Turtleback Mountain

Happy Mother’s Day to Barbara! Skye is asleep under the blankets

Route map 5/14/23