All Aboard Sailing

Sailing out of dry dock and we found some orca

March 26, 2024 – Launch day after being in dry dock for 4 weeks! After checking the alignment we raised sails and checked everything else. So great to be back on the water enjoying sailing. We found a pod of orcas coming through Thatcher Pass which we identified as the T99’s and the T124D’s. With strong southerly winds we kept inter-island and then headed northwest to meet more orcas. The T18’s and T49A’s (minus T49A1 and T49A2) were busy eating and socializing after a Steller sea lion predation.

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s and T124D’s in Thatcher Pass

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s and T124D’s in Thatcher Pass

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s and T124D’s in Thatcher Pass

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s and T124D’s in Thatcher Pass

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s and T124D’s in Thatcher Pass

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound in Rosario Strait

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound near James Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T99’s southbound in Rosario Strait

Biggs/Transient orca T19C involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orca T19C showing off his wavy, huge dorsal fin

Our 3 yr old daughter, Miss Skye wearing her orca mittens

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Biggs/Transient orcas T18’s and T49A’s involved in prey sharing

Our 3 yr old daughter, Miss Skye

Capt David with Skye watching the orcas

Biggs/Transient orca T19B and others 

Biggs/Transient orca T19B and others