All Aboard Sailing

Half day sail south

September 20, 2021 – We had a nice sail down San Juan Channel to Cattle Pass to check out some of our favorite wildlife areas. Some of the animals we saw were harbor seals, harbor porpoise, bald eagles, great blue herons, and raccoons. We had hoped to find a minke whale on Salmon Bank, but no such luck even after circling the entire bank.

Great blue heron amongst the rocks

A piece of Turn Island State Park

Mother raccoon with babies

Harbor seals on the beach

Bald eagle

Harbor seals on the rocks

Enjoying the wildlife

Harbor seal poking head above water

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions. The one on the far left has entanglement scar

Steller sea lions

Steller sea lions and “Spike Africa”

Harbor porpoise

Cormorants on Goose Island

Baby Skye standing on the roof checking out the main sheet

Looking down San Juan Channel

Route map 9-20-21