All Aboard Sailing

Half day sail south

September 11, 2022 – We had a great sail south down the channel to Cattle Pass. We spotted lots of wildlife today including raccoons, harbor seals, Steller sea lions, bald eagles, great blue herons, hundreds of diving birds and gulls and a star fish. We searched for minke whales on Salmon Bank but didn’t have any luck finding any.  We sailed from Salmon Bank to Iceberg Pt and around Hall and Long Island before heading up San Juan Channel back to Friday Harbor. It was a really fun adventure for all ages.

Sailing around Turn Island

Raccoon on Turn Island

Harbor seals near Turn Island

Close-hauled sail down San Juan Channel

Goose Island and Cattle Point

Bald eagle

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Purple Ochre sea star

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions by Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions by Whale Rocks

Looking at the water

Common murres

Bait ball

Kelp beds and rocks

Harbor seal with banana pose

Harbor seals by Mummy Rocks

Bald eagle

Great blue heron

Route map 9-11-22