August 18, 2023 – A short exciting sunset sail with the opportunity to hang out with a bunch of Biggs/Transient orcas as they traveled, hunted, and socialised. The group consisted of the T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s and T46’s. What a treat to watch them go right by Friday Harbor at sunset.

Mt Baker

Harbor seals on Yellow Islands

Biggs/Transient orca T46E and friends

Biggs/Transient orca T46E and friends

Male orca tail lob

Orca tail in the air

Biggs orcas


Biggs/Transient orcas with Mt Baker

Biggs/Transient orcas with Mt Baker

Biggs/Transient orca T37 hunting along the rocks at Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orcas hunting along the rocks at Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orca T46D hunting along the rocks at Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orcas hunting along the rocks at Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orca T46D hunting near Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orcas moving on after hunting near Nob Island

Biggs/Transient orca T46E and juvenile

Biggs/Transient orca T36A1

Biggs/Transient orca T36A2

Biggs/Transient orca T36A3

Biggs/Transient orca T37

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas socializing

Biggs orca T37B with youngest calf (*we think)

Biggs/Transient orca T46E

Biggs orcas socializing – check out those beauty marks on the chin!

Biggs orca half breach – look at those beauty marks!

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs/Transient orca T46E

Biggs/Transient orca T37B1

Double orca spy hop

Orca spy hop

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs/Transient orca T37B1

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs/Transient orca T46D

Biggs orca outside Friday Harbor

Biggs orca T46E outside Friday Harbor

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s outside Friday Harbor

Biggs orca T46D passing Friday Harbor

Sunset sail from Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s traveling together

Biggs/Transient orca T46E

Biggs/Transient orca T46E

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s together at sunset

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s together at sunset

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s together at sunset

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s passing Friday Harbor

Biggs orcas T34’s, T37’s, T36A’s & T46’s passing Friday Harbor

Biggs orcas T36A1 passing Friday Harbor

Biggs/Transient orca T46D and others passing Friday Harbor

Biggs orcas socializing outside Friday Harbor

Washington State Ferry in the sunset

Orca spy hop

Route map 8/18/23 pm