June 27, 2022 – A sail down south of San Juan Island to Salmon Bank where we found several minke whales. Other trip highlights include harbor seals, harbor porpoise, Steller sea lions, bald eagles, and a rare sighting of a sea otter.

Mt Baker

Sailing downwind

Harbor seals hauled out south of Turn Island

Harbor porpoise

Ochre sea stars

Bald eagle overlooking Deadman Island

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Mt Baker

Amazing spotting conditions on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale amongst the diving birds on Salmon Bank

Minke whale amongst the diving birds on Salmon Bank

Minke whale amongst the diving birds on Salmon Bank

Minke whale amongst the diving birds on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Our fun family on board today

Our fun family on board today

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Sea otter at Turn Rock

Sea otter at Turn Rock near the bull kelp bed

Sea otter at Turn Rock near the bull kelp bed

Sea otter at Turn Rock

Route map 6-27-22