All Aboard Sailing

New Channel, Flattop and Presidents Channel

August 3, 2022 – Moderately strong winds for sailing, lots of harbor seals, bald eagles, black oystercatchers, a Peregrine falcon, a bald eagle chick in its nest, and amazing scenery!

Reefed main sail

Bald eagle fly by

Harbor seals with pups on Flattop Island

Harbor seals with glacial erratic on Flattop Island

Harbor seals hauled out on Flattop Island

Flattop Island

Mouflon sheep on Spieden Island

Bald eagle on Spieden Island

Peregrine falcon on Spieden Island

Battleship Island

View across Haro Strait from Spieden Island

Mt Baker

Harbor seals hauled out in New Channel

Harbor seals hauled out in New Channel

Black oystercatcher foraging

Harbor seals hauled out in New Channel

Harbor seals hauled out in New Channel

Bull kelp forest in New Channel

Bull kelp forest in New Channel

Harbor seal mom with pup

Bald eagles engaged in eating

Bald eagles chasing others away while engaged in eating

Juvenile bald eagle

Bald eagle

Harbor seals with Pt Disney in the background

Bald eagle flying low over the water

Sailing towards Pt Disney

Garry Oak trees on Waldron Island

Cedar spires on Waldron Island

Forested coastline of Orcas Island

Bald eagle on Orcas Island

Historic Lime Kiln on Orcas Island

Bald eagle chick in nest on Orcas Island

View looking west as we sailed down Presidents Channel

Sailing through the Wasp Islands

Sunset as we sailed back to Friday Harbor

Sunset as we sailed back to Friday Harbor

Sunset over Spieden Island

Sunset with Sentinel Island

Route map 8-3-22