Around the Island in October – Autumn Sailing – So good to see so many diving birds and gulls pointing out the resurgence in schools of herring. And especially thrilling when lunging through the congregation comes Minke whales with mouths agape. Dalls porpoise took time away from fishing to play on our bow, a breaching Stellar Sea Lion porpoised behind us and sky caught fire with the setting sun. Barbecued supper in paradise.

Great Blue Hero in Douglas Fir tree

Gulls and murres with Bait Ball

Minke whale near bait ball Speiden Island

Mingle whale surfaces between bait balls

Gulls and murres with Bait Ball

Dall’s Porpoise

Dall’s Porpoise checks out our boat

Sunset from Salmon Bank

Breaching Stellar sealion

Pelagic Cormorants sunset

Cattle Point Lighthouse

Cattle Pass

Sunset Griffin Bay

Sunset Griffin Bay

Sunset, Griffin Bay, San Juan Island

Sunset over San Juan Island

Sunset over San Juan Island

Sunset San Juan Island